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Maggie Jacobs

Romemu Member and Seekers Parent

I was immediately drawn to Seekers, as it stood apart from the other Hebrew school programs I visited. As an educator, I wanted a curriculum that was robust, creative, and engaging; inclusive of lots of learning styles; and welcoming of different identities, Jewish and otherwise. As a progressive Jew, I wanted a program that taught the values we practiced at home through a Jewish lens. As a parent looking forward to my son’s B mitzvah, I wanted to be confident that he would learn all the essentials to carry our traditions forward. Seekers, in fact, takes the compelling combination of open-hearted Judaism, spirituality, and scholarship that is Romemu and translates it into a beautiful path forward for our children. When I hear my son singing Jewish holiday songs at bedtime, when we join other families exchanging anecdotes around the Shabbat lunch table, and when my son queries me on my own spiritual beliefs and shares his own during walks home from Seekers, I know that I have found the perfect learning community for our family.