
Seekers: Saturday Morning Hebrew School

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Seekers is a bright spark for children and young adults that ignites curiosity, unleashes creativity, and grows communal consciousness.

Seekers Holistic Hebrew School provides the Jewish education our kids need to find meaningful connections to Jewish life and practice. At Romemu, all of us, including our children, are seekers. We encourage our Seekers families to find their own voices within the ancient and ongoing conversation of Judaism through contemplation, creativity, and community.

The Seekers program runs on Saturday mornings (10 AM – 12:30 PM) at WEP to allow the full family the opportunity to experience Shabbat together.

The Seekers program is geared toward ages K-13.

What do Students Learn at Seekers Holistic Hebrew School?

Our curriculum traverses the history and sacred narratives of the Jewish people, illuminates the Jewish calendar, and explores Jewish values. Our Seekers learn to read and engage meaningfully with the Hebrew language, providing an essential foundation for their B Mitzvah process and lifelong involvement in Jewish life.

At Seekers, we are building an intergenerational, deeply connected community of learners. Once a month, Seekers students invite their grown-ups to have a special family Shabbat morning service at Romemu where we gather for prayers, music and learning.

My kindergartner looked forward to Seekers and said it was her favorite day of the week! The teachers met her where she was in terms of Jewish and Hebrew knowledge and it was the perfect introduction to Jewish learning outside the home.Sarah Cohodes

Who is Seekers Holistic Hebrew School For?

Seekers is for students in kindergarten through B Mitzvah. Students of all backgrounds, cultures, and gender identities are welcome. Whether you have had any Jewish education previously or want to start, all are welcome.

Families need to be members of Romemu to register for Seekers.

When does Seekers Holistic Hebrew School Happen?

Seekers is held every Shabbat (Saturday) morning starting September through May (apart from Federal Holiday Saturday weekends). The kids get dropped off at 10AM and are picked up at 12:30PM . During Seekers, grown ups and siblings are welcome to join the Romemu community for Open Book Torah learning and Shabbat morning services. Learn more about Romemu Shabbat services here.

Students participate in one on one Hebrew language classes once a week on Zoom.  Each class is 30 minutes.

Once a month, Seekers becomes Family Shabbat – where the whole family is invited to join for a meaningful Shabbat morning of music, fun and learning together.

Sample Shabbat Morning Schedule for Seekers Students

10 AM: A short Teffilah Service
10:15 AM: Lesson 1 – Judaics: In this session, our Seekers will do activities in groups to learn about a Jewish value or holiday. Story books, drama, music, debate, discussions and games all featured, enhancing Seekers’ core value that learning should not feel like a chore.
11:05 AM Break
11:25 AM: Lesson 2 – Parsha In the second session, we talk about the Parsha (Torah portion) of the week
12:15-12:30 PM – Children’s blessing and end of service in the Sanctuary

Occasionally we have special Saturdays with guest appearances by artists, musicians and Torah scholars.

Learn More About Seekers and Romemu

If you want to schedule a conversation or a visit, please email our Youth and Family Coordinator

To create a preliminary ShulCloud account, which is required to begin the process of enrolling in Seekers, please become a member of Romemu 

No one is ever turned away for financial reasons. If finances are a barrier to either Romemu membership or Seekers tuition, please contact to discuss Ez’rah (financial assistance) options.

Romemu (roh-me-moo) is an open-hearted, experiential, irreverently devotional, intergenerational Jewish community that elevates and transforms individuals into more compassionate human beings.

We are a house of worship, learning, and spiritual growth that aims to awaken body, heart, mind, and spirit.

We are a growing community of over 1,000 members with thousands more around the world who have been impacted by our services, courses, and celebrations.

We are a spiritual home for thousands spiritual seekers.

We are committed to egalitarianism and the inclusion of all people, regardless of race, age, gender and sexual orientation, religious observance, and belief.