Give to Your Romemu Community
“Giving is a way to share your love and gratitude for Romemu with others. It is a profoundly spiritual deed. Only with your gifts, does Romemu survive and thrive.”
All of Romemu’s offerings require support from our community and friends, near and far. Discretionary giving (e.g. giving above membership dues) supports over 50% of everything we do.
Every song
Every prayer
Every word of wisdom
Every heart connection made at Romemu
happens because of a charitable gift from someone like you.
Your investment in Romemu will have a tremendous impact on those in search of spiritual nourishment.
We are grateful to have partners who believe in the importance of vibrant, Jewish, spiritually connected services, and learning that is open to all. We have multiple pathways for giving. Find the one that is right for you.
How to Give to Romemu
To make your gift online, please use one of the forms below (read on below to learn about donations and sponsorships to help you decide which is right for you):
Online Donation Form
Our online forms allow you to pay either by credit card or ACH/e-Check. You may choose to pay the full amount now or set up a plan to pay over several months by choosing an option from the ‘Pay This Amount’ dropdown menu.
If you prefer to pay by check, mail to
c/o JTS
3080 Broadway
New York, NY 10027
Please make check out to Romemu.
To pay via stock transfer, wire, or other option, contact for assistance.
Need more information? View our FAQ or contact
“We have received so much from Romemu. It’s time to give back.”
Become a Romemu Sponsor
Mark an upcoming wedding, b mitzvah, baby naming; commemorate a date of importance; or honor a loved one.
Sponsorship offers you a unique opportunity to share your life’s milestones with your community while supporting the experiences that are most valuable to you.
Sponsorships will be recognized by name, at your discretion, in Romemu marketing materials (including logos where appropriate for businesses and foundations). A lasting record of all sponsorships will be added to Romemu’s website.
Donate to Romemu
Romemu never turns anyone away for financial reasons. We offer Ez’rah (with help) memberships and course and program registrations to all who are unable to pay the full cost. Therefore, donations from those who can give are critical to supporting Romemu’s clergy, staff, musicians, facilities, and operations so that Romemu is able serve our community in all the ways we do.
A donation to the “General Fund” is most appreciated as it provides unrestricted funds that can be applied where and when they are most needed. Your gift to a specific fund allows you to say “Thank You” for something of particular value to you. You choose.
Why Give?
Each and every gift supports and sustains Romemu. And, each and every donor has their unique reasons for giving. Here are some of the reasons generous individuals like you have shared for why they give:

Contact Us
Your generosity to your Romemu community irrigates and sustains this community with the gift of Jewish life, elevated so that we can keep singing, dancing, learning, praying, and growing together.