Options for Giving – Sponsor or Donate
Select the Sponsorship or Fund that aligns with what you value most at Romemu and best fits how you want to support your community today.
Learn more about giving to Romemu or view our FAQs.
Need assistance deciding? Contact gratitude@romemu.org.
Shabbat Sponsorships
Romemu is known for our deeply meaningful, beautiful and powerful Shabbat services. It may look simple, but it’s not. We invest over $320,000 annually to create the Shabbat services that inspire and transform thousands of spiritual seekers who join onsite and online from around the world. Sponsorships ensure the continuation of the Shabbat experience you and so many others value.
Celebrate a birthday, B Mitzvah, anniversary, or other simcha or honor the memory of a loved one on their yahrzeit (anniversary of their passing). Your sponsorship of Shabbat services is a wonderful way to share your milestone with your community.
Shabbat Services Sponsorships
- Complete Shabbat including Friday night and Saturday morning services- In-person costs only – $5,450
- Complete Shabbat including Friday night and Saturday morning services -Online costs only – $1,100
- Friday Kabbalat Shabbat service – In-person costs only– $2,850
- Friday Kabbalat Shabbat service – Online costs only – $650
- Saturday morning service, including “Open Book” – In-person costs only – $2,600
- Saturday morning service, including “Open Book” – Online costs only – $450
- Family Shabbat Lunch — $500
- Sha’Baby — $360
Shabbat sponsorships, at your discretion, will be announced during services the week of sponsorship.

Kiddush Sponsorships
Sponsoring a kiddush after services on Friday night or Saturday morning is a wonderful way to engage your whole community in celebrating your simcha (joyous occasion), commemorating a yahrtzeit, or honoring a loved one.
Rome'Music Sponsorships
“It’s the music that moves me most at Romemu.”
We often hear how powerful music at Romemu is for people and the way it helps inspire connection inward, outward, and upward. Music is part of everything we do and we invest over $250,000 in it annually. Your sponsorship will support:
- Attracting world-renowned musicians to Romemu
- Maintaining technical excellence for our sound system
- Innovating with original compositions and arrangements
- Engaging community members with Rome’Music
If Rome’Music is meaningful to you, consider sponsoring music for a specific occasion.
- 1 Shabbat with Rome’Musicians – $1,800
- 1 Holiday* with Rome’Musicians – $1,800
- 1 Musician for 1 Shabbat or a Holiday – $550
- 1 Musician for 1 Service – $280
- 1 Community Choral Video – $2,500
- High Holy Days with Rome’Musicians and World-Renowned Musicians – $10,000/day ($40,000 total)
*This includes holidays throughout the year, such as Sukkot, Passover, Shavuot, but not the High Holy Days for which we have added expenses

Lifelong Learning Sponsorships
The Romemu Yeshiva and The Well at Romemu create living laboratories for the reinvention and reinvigoration of Jewish ritual, thought, and daily living.
Our investment in our clergy and faculty for time and dedication to teaching, creating learning materials, and providing the infrastructure necessary for the wide diversity of classes Romemu offers, is over $225,000 annually.
We believe the wisdom of Torah should be available to everyone regardless of educational background or financial circumstances. This is why we offer some courses such as Beit Midrash and Hasidic Masters for free or nominal cost and provide generous scholarships for all. As a lifelong learning sponsor, you will provide the funds necessary to support Romemu courses and provide scholarships to keep them accessible to all.
- 1 Scholarship for a 4 Part Course – $120
- 1 Scholarship for an 8 Part Course – $240
- 1 Month of Beit Midrash – $1,200
- 1 Month of Hasidic Masters – $1,800

Community Connections
Romemu is defined in many ways – a local synagogue, a global community, a Jewish movement – but more than anything, Romemu is people. You and the person sitting next to you or in the next Zoom screen are what make Romemu, Romemu.
New Member Orientation, Home Hosted Shabbat Meals, Sacred Conversations, and weekly communications are just some of the ways clergy, staff, and lay leaders work together to create opportunities to weave and deepen connections between community members.
Your sponsorship of community connections will provide the funds needed to maintain and expand these opportunities.
- 1 Month of Morning Minyan – $1,500
- 1 Month of Daily Meditation with Rabbi Ingber & Friends – $1,500
- 1 New Member Orientation Series – $1,800
- 1 Sacred Conversation Series – $1,300
- 1 Week of Romemu Now – $180

Social Action Sponsorships
Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) is the essence of Romemu’s mission to foster greater levels of compassion in individuals and communities. Romemu’s approach to Tikkun Olam is built in three concentric circles. Your sponsorship of any of these circles will help Romemu clergy, staff, and lay leaders do more to cultivate compassion.
The First Circle – Our Romemu Community
- 1 Chesed (kindness) meal for an individual or family mourning a loved or struggling with illness – $180
The Second Circle – Our Local Community
- 1 Day of Operation for Romemu’s Community Pantry – $600
The Third Circle – Our National Community
- 1 Social Justice Education Program – $360

General Fund
We encourage you to give to the General Fund! Your donation goes towards Romemu’s annual operating budget allowing us to provide services, events, classes, pastoral care, and everything else we do at Romemu.
Chesed Fund
The Chesed Committee is a source of support for members of our congregation. Be it birth or adoption, illness, death, or any of the stresses that come our way, we endeavor to offer loving kindness and compassion. Our members are available to visit, listen, offer a ride, make a meal, or run an errand. Let us be at your side, or in your corner.
If you would like to support our efforts to help community members at vulnerable times such as illness and death, please donate here. We will help with meals, visits or other needs as appropriate for each person’s situation.
Music Fund
Contribute toward the unique music that creates the container for deep and soulful reflection that is the authentic ta’am (flavor) of Romemu.
Rabbis’ Discretionary Funds
These funds enables our rabbis to choose to support individuals within the Romemu community in financial need or another organization aligned with Romemu’s values. Since there is no fee for the rabbis to perform member weddings or funerals, it is a tradition that when one of our rabbis officiates, a gift is given to their fund. There are two Romemu Rabbis’ Discretionary funds:
- Romemu Manhattan & Global Rabbis’ Discretionary Fund: Donations may be made to this fund in honor or gratitude to Rabbis David Ingber, Dianne Cohler-Esses, and Mira Rivera and Hazzan Basya Schechter.
- Romemu Brooklyn Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: Donations may be made to this fund in honor or gratitude to Rabbi Scott Perlo.
Please include the name of the clergy member to whose fund you want your gift designated in the ‘Honor’ or ‘Dedicate’ field on the Donation form. You may also include a message there that will be shared with the clergy member.
Adult Education Fund
Support “The Well at Romemu” – our innovative and creative year-round lifelong learning offerings.
Community Pantry Fund
The Romemu Social Action Committee packs and distributes food to our neighbors in need twice each month.
Youth and Family Program Fund
Youth and Family Programs: Support our Youth & Family Programming to ensure Romemu’s spirit and message are passed down to future generations. Youth & Family programs include Seekers Holistic Hebrew School, Shabbat programs such as Sha’Baby and Family Shabbat and family holiday celebrations. A gift of $2,000 helps fund one K-7 student at Seekers.
Joseph S. Ingber Rabbinic Fellowship Fund
In memory of Joseph S. Ingber, uncle to Romemu’s founder, Rabbi David Ingber, this position is meant to fulfill the promise of a young aspiring rabbi to learn the path to the love of Yiddishkeit, which is what Uncle Joe provided to David as a young man. This position is 10 hours a week and includes shadowing the senior rabbi and helping to support pastoral care of the community.
High Holy Day Appeal
Support Romemu’s general operating expenses that allow us to offer leading-edge Jewish programs and services year-round.
Rabbi Rivera Social Action Fund
Named for Rabbi Mira Rivera whose passion and dedication to action, galvanized many programs at Romemu, this fund helps to galvanize our community to walk-our-talk and serve our surrounding community in need on the Upper West Side.
Romemu Brooklyn
Romemu’s first official satellite location born in 2017 now offers twice-monthly Shabbat services, Kabbalat Shabbat catered dinners, B’Mitzvah services, and a burgeoning community of families and Romemu enthusiasts!