

Contrary to the other three hundred days of the year, when you’re running and doing and building and constructing, the Jewish holidays provide a kind of in-built way to pause and to gather yourself and regenerate.

Our lives can become so full of activities and to-do tasks that, in some sense, the soul becomes overwhelmed. We need to defragment our souls. We can be pulled in so many different directions, but the holidays help that part of us that needs meaning and connection and great purpose.

Holiday rituals are ancient technologies that carry contemporary wisdom.

Judaism works.

Rabbi David Ingber

At Romemu, we provide services and programming for:

  • High Holy Days – Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
  • Sukkot
  • Simchat Torah
  • Hanukkah
  • Tu B’Shvat
  • Purim
  • Passover
  • Shavuot
  • Tisha B’Av

Upcoming Holidays Services and Programs

Join us in celebration of some of Judaism’s most beautiful, moving, and sacred times, and their role in our lives.

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