Lifecycles at Romemu
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
Judaism’s beautiful system of celebrations, transitional processes, and rituals serve as benchmarks in life, allowing practitioners to take a pause, and reflect on how far they have come in life and where they are going.
The Romemu clergy are honored to be able to help so many people experience these larger-than-life moments in the warmth of community, and we invite you to learn more about what all of these lifecycle events look like at Romemu.
We also invite you to share your milestone with your community. Whether you are celebrating a simcha or commemorating the yahrzeit of a loved one, inviting your community for a kiddush adds meaningful connection to the occasion.
Mazal Tov to you and your beloved; on this sacred step toward your wedding day! Romemu is honored to be part of this joyous journey. If you have not already, we ask that you join the Romemu community as members before you embark on your Romemu wedding.
Judaism practices publicizing miracles, proclaiming blessings, and sanctifying seasons as they approach and recede. No moment is too small (or too great) for us to recognize the divine aliveness blazing within it. Every milestone merits marking with love, community, and connection. In moments of transition and transformation, the tradition invites us to be still, breathe, and behold the mystery in one another. Your wedding is a unique thread to be woven into this lineage for all time, a sacred public expression of your commitment to each other.
Your Jewish wedding will be an experience of shared meaning-making, supported by sacred structures. Your ceremony will be rooted in ritual and reflective of your one-of-a-kind relationship, incorporating symbols, song, space, and speech. A celebration of the waltz between oneness and twoness that you have chosen to dance together.
The New Jewish Wedding, Anita Diamant, Simon & Schuster
Resource Sheets:
The Romemu Guide to Symbols of a Jewish Wedding
What to Expect at a Jewish Wedding
What is a Ketubah: The Jewish Wedding Contract
What is a Chuppah: The Jewish Wedding Canopy
Why We Break the Glass at Jewish Weddings
Baby Naming
What is a Baby Naming?
This ritual is a unique ritual that began almost a decade ago. When Rabbi David’s first son was born, a rabbinic colleague shared a custom that touched him deeply. He relayed that he had seen a newborn child placed inside – yes, inside – a Torah Scroll, and ever since that day, in July of 2009, we’ve ritualized the teaching that each baby is a letter in our Torah. And in placing these perfect, innocent beings into our sacred writ, we remember a teaching of one Hassidic master.
The Psalmist wrote, “Open my eyes to see wonders from Your Torah (niflaot mi’toratekha). ‘Gal aynai, says the Hassidic Rebbe, Naftali of Rophshitz, ‘v’abeeta niflaot mi’ toratekha’ – Open my eyes to see your fallen letters (nafal ot).”
May all of humanity’s letters be lifted up, elevated, and celebrated.
If you are visiting this page, you’re interested in learning more about the conversion process at Romemu. It’s important to remember that each step in the conversion process is tailored to the individual and their experience; as such, no two conversions will be identical. Please see below for a description of the process, required reading materials to learn more about Judaism, and what conversion entails.
Conversion requires a number of seemingly overwhelming steps, but rest assured that Romemu clergy will be with you every step of the way to ensure that you have everything you need to enter the Jewish covenant with love and community.
Meeting With Clergy
Each individual will meet with a member of the clergy a minimum of 6 times to connect on topics relevant to the conversion process. The goals of these sessions are to:
- Connect with clergy/teacher thereby connecting with the Romemu community
- Prepare for a Jewish life
- Go deeper into big Jewish questions
- Set intentions for conversion process.
Ongoing Study and Practice
This part of the process can take a year or more and usually begins by establishing a relationship with a rabbi who becomes a primary teacher and guide. The rabbi may require regular meeting with him / her, attendance at a formal class, readings about Jewish history and theology, “trying on” Jewish customs, rituals, prayers, and holidays, and other ways of connecting to Jewish community.
The major Jewish denominations vary in their requirements, but in fact, every rabbi has his / her own process.
The Rituals of Conversion
When you and your rabbi agree that you are ready, the rabbi will schedule conversion rituals, which include meeting with a beit din (a “court” of three knowledgeable Jews, typically rabbis), hatafat dam brit (symbolic circumcision) for men and boys, and mikveh. Not all rabbis require all of these rituals for every convert; however, these three are typical and widely used. It is also the custom of rabbis and congregations to acknowledge conversions with a ceremony and/or blessings of welcome within the context of a synagogue service.
Beit Din
The beit din is a rabbinic “court” of 3 learned Jews, usually clergy, who meet with a candidate for conversion.
The beit din meeting is not a test but a conversation to ascertain the sincerity of the candidate. Questions tend to focus on her / his Jewish journey, hopes and expectations for his / her Jewish future, and plans for further engagement and learning. Once all of the rituals are completed, the members of the beit din sign a conversion certificate that includes the new Jew’s Hebrew name.
Circumcision / Hatafat Dam Brit
Ritual circumcision is a sign of the covenant between each individual man and the people of Israel. For men who have already been medically circumcised, this ritual involves the drawing of a drop of blood, hatafat dam brit, which is usually performed by a mohel, one who is trained in this practice and recites a blessing as he/she performs it. Your rabbi should be able to answer questions about this practice and will either engage or refer you to a mohel.
Immersion in a mikveh is the final ritual in the process of conversion. An act of rebirth – and the precursor / source of Christian baptism — the mikveh does not “wash away” one’s past life. It enacts a beginning and a promise.
As a mitzvah, or commanded action, immersion for conversion requires the recitation of a Hebrew blessing and the testimony of a witness, whose responsibility is to support the candidate and make sure that he / she has submerged every part of the body.
The ceremony is under the supervision of the sponsoring rabbi, who almost never serves as the witness. In all cases, women are witnessed by women; men by other men. At Mayyim Hayyim, the blessing is displayed for easy reading in Hebrew, English, and Hebrew transliteration. Special readings and kavanot are available.
When the new Jew dresses and returns to his / her rabbi, family, and friends, they are typically greeted with smiles, applause and the singing of Siman Tov U’ Mazal Tov, a song of congratulations.
Suggested Readings
There are a number of wonderful resources available to help you get better aquainted with the beautiful, vibrant, and expansive Jewish tradition.
Online Resources:
- General Jewish Learning: My Jewish Learning | Jewish Virtual Library
- Parsha (Torah portion) learning: My Jewish Learning | Union for Reform Judaism
- Ritual Life (lifecycle, creative liturgy): Ritual Well
- Blogs/on-line magazines: Tablet Magazine | Hey Alma | eJewishPhilanthropy
- Online news sites: Haaretz | The Forward | The Times of Israel
- Jewish Print Publications: The Forward, Tikkun, Sh’ma, Commentary, Moment Magazine
Suggested Books:
Alef Bet Tracing and Practice: Learn to write the letters of the Hebrew alphabet
Learn to Read Hebrew in 6 Weeks
Hebrew Flashcards
JPS Hebrew – English Tanakh (2001) by the Jewish Publication Society
These are the Words: A Vocabulary of Jewish Spiritual Life, Arthur Green
Here All Along, Sarah Hurwitz
Davening: A Guide to Meaningful Jewish Prayer, R. Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
A Short History of the Jewish People: From Legendary Times to Modern Statehood, Raymond P. Scheindlin
Suggested Reading:
A Book of Life: Embracing Judaism as a Spiritual Practice, Michael Strassfeld
Judaism’s Ten Great Ideas: A Guide for Seekers, Arthur Green
Living a Jewish Life, Anita Diamant,
George Robinson, Essential Judaism
Seasons of our Joy, Arthur Waskow
Your People, My People, Lena Romanoff
Judaism: Embracing the Seeker, Harold Schulweis
Choosing a Jewish Life, Anita Diamant
Embracing Judaism, Simcha Kling and Carl Perkins
Jewish Holidays, Michael Strassfeld
The Jewish Way: Living the Holidays, Irving (Yitz) Greenberg
It’s a Mitzvah, Brad Artson
How to Run a Traditional Jewish Household, Blu Greenberg
Jewish with Feeling: A Guide to Meaningful Jewish Practice, R. Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
The Observant Life, Editors Martin S. Cohen and Michael Katz
Facing the loss of a loved one is one of the most difficult moments in life. Romemu clergy and your Romemu community are here to support you throughout.
If you have experienced a loss, please contact our Pastoral Care team. We are here to answer your questions, help with the levaya (burial), shiva, and any other needs you have at this time.