Become a Member Today
Together We Awaken Possibility
Membership at Romemu is about a relationship. Relationships are a cornerstone of living a full life. Together we share our smachot (joyous occasions) and comfort each other in difficult times. In sickness and in health; in joy and in grief; on weekdays, Shabbat, and holidays – we are committed to dynamic spirituality, relevant Torah (wisdom), and community building.
Your support of Romemu as a dues paying member, makes possible everything we do together as a community.
New to Romemu? Join Today
Already a Member? Renew Now
Looking for Romemu Brooklyn Membership? Learn More Today
If you are already a member, visit the Romemu Membership Portal to view your current account status, make payments, update your personal information, share your contact information in our Membership Directory, and more. Need help logging in? Email
“As the entire Israelite Nation arrived at Sinai, the Torah tells us, ‘And he (Israel) camped (Va’yichan) at the foot of the mountain’.
‘Why’, ask the rabbis ‘does the Torah use the singular to describe the entire nation, millions in number? To teach us, am echad, e’lev echad’. One nation, one heart. Revelation requires community. Community is the power of ‘we’, of a collective that knows that true strength is found in our bonds, our connections.”
Romemu empowers and elevates individuals and communities through Jewish wisdom, prayer, embodied practice, and ethics. Our diverse membership is on a shared journey to elevate human consciousness through deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings, thereby deepening compassion, understanding, and attunement to the world, its inhabitants, its infinite varieties of creatures, cultures, and habitats.
Join us in building the bonds that empower community. Whether in one of our local NYC synagogues or as part of our global community, every Romemu member contributes to building the bonds of trust, spiritual growth, and love that bind our community together.
Membership Benefits
Romemu feels like home.
Romemu membership has many benefits. But, more valuable than what you receive is the impact of your support. Supporting Romemu’s infrastructure with your membership dues means you are helping to strengthen this community, not just for you, but for others as well.
Romemu Bonim (Builders), Local and Global members have access to all the benefits listed below.
Romemu Friends (individuals who want to connect with and support Romemu but for whom membership is not the right path right now) receive discounted tickets to High Holy Day services and may pay the member discounted price for courses and other programs.
- Tickets for High Holy Day Services – Local members receive 1 free ticket per household member to join High Holy Day services onsite or online. Global members who will be in New York for the High Holy Days are eligible for 2 free tickets. Both Local and Global members may purchase additional guest tickets at a discounted price.
- Access to members-only Shabbat and Holiday offerings
- Discounts for Shabbat and Holiday programming including Shabbat meals
- Clergy officiants for weddings, funerals, baby namings and other major life milestones
- Access to pastoral care from our clergy and our partners at DOROT
- Enroll children in Seekers Hebrew School
- Discounted tuition and fees for courses and programs
- Invitations to members-only events
- Access to our Membership Portal
- Access to our Membership Directory
- Support from our Chesed Committee through challenging times and the opportunity to help other members through acts of chesed (lovingkindness)
- Opportunities to engage in building our community through volunteering your time. View all opportunities for volunteering or joining a committee here.
- Discounted fees for community events
The Membership Portal allows you to:
- Share your information in the Directory so other members can connect with you
- Access the Directory to connect with other members
- Log in when filling out forms – no need to enter name, email, and more so form completion is faster and more accurate
- Make payments and manage your account
- And more…
The music encouraged my soul to dance. Rabbi Ingber’s words made me think. I like Romemu’s commitment to egalitarianism and the total inclusion of all people, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious observance, and belief.
Membership Eligibility
Romemu membership is open to all regardless of affiliation or background who wish to join our welcoming, experiential, irreverently pious Jewish community and share in our spiritual practices that engage the heart, mind, and body to foster greater levels of compassion.
Our membership is exceptionally diverse including people from all walks of life: young and old, orthodox and secular, multi-ethnic and intermarried, conservative and liberal, committed and disillusioned, of any and all genders. Our common bond is that we are all seekers on a spiritual journey that includes appling Jewish wisdom and practice to contemporary life in ways that are consistent with Jewish roots, yet open to learning from other wisdom traditions.
Whether you are a New York area resident planning to regularly come to our Manhattan or Brooklyn locations, or you live thousands of miles from NY and participate in our digital offerings, we invite you to join us.
Join Us Today
Ready to become part of the Romemu community? We can’t wait to get to know you and continue our spiritual journeys together. If you have any questions or want more information, please contact
Romemu Brooklyn
Romemu Brooklyn seeks to integrate body, mind, and soul in Jewish practice. We offer passionate services and communal spiritual connection to build authentic relationships with both ourselves and our community. Become a member today!
Already a Romemu member? Continue Your Membership
All Romemu memberships include access to services for one cycle of High Holy Days (i.e. one year of membership includes onsite or online attendance for one year at Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services). If you joined Romemu for High Holy Day services as a member in September of 2022 and have not renewed your membership since, it is time to renew.
All members who have not renewed by June 30 will receive an invoice for their 2024/25 dues in July.
Memberships Not on Our Annual Cycle
Because we want to ensure anyone can join at anytime, we allow members to join or renew outside of our regular cycle which may place your membership expiration at a date other than June 30. If you joined or renewed your membership after the High Holy Days in 2023, you will receive your renewal invoice on the anniversary of the date you joined or renewed.
Need help?
Visit the Romemu Membership Portal to view your current account status, make payments, update your personal information, share your contact information in our Membership Directory, and more. Need help logging in? Email