Romemu Brooklyn Membership Brit

At Romemu, we believe in the sanctity of our community. In order to grow the collaborative and inclusive nature of our community, we invite our members (whether joining for the first time or renewing membership) to enter into a membership brit.

brit is an agreement to participate in an intentional relationship, and to understand and affirm your role as a partner and stakeholder in this community.  Romemu is driven by the love, creativity, and the generosity of our membership – expressed through meaningful investments of time, talent, and treasure.

As a Romemu member, you are called upon to uphold our community standards:

1. WE RESPECT OURSELVES AND EACH OTHER: We agree to act in a way that honors the physical, emotional, and spiritual safety of all people at all Romemu functions and events.

2. WE RESPECT OUR SACRED COMMUNAL SPACES: We understand that our communal spaces are shared with other Romemu members as well as members of other communities. We agree to respect the sanctity of all communal spaces in which we pray and gather.

3. ALL HANDS IN: We agree that offering our time, talents, and treasure to the whole of this community is vitalizing, exciting, and essential in building and maintaining our community’s health.

As a Romemu member, you are asked how you can:

1. SHARE in the work of deepening and growing this community.

2. ENGAGE in Jewish learning that awakens the heart and stretches the mind.

3. LEAD a life that is rich in spirituality, service, and justice.

4. HELP Romemu build a sustainable future with financial contribution(s).


Romemu members will be asked to agree to the membership brit upon joining or renewing membership. Members are also asked to indicate their preferences for how they can help uphold our community standards with contributions of their time, talent, and/or treasure.