Seekers Teaching Team
The Seekers faculty is made up of Romemu staff and clergy. The team works together to meet the goals of the curriculum and to prepare the students for B Mitzvah at Romemu.

Anna Birman
Anna Birman is an undergraduate dual-degree student at Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary studying Cognitive Science and Jewish History. Anna finds tremendous joy in studying and teaching Jewish text, tradition, and music. She has worked as a Jewish educator and songleader since 2021 at URJ Camp Newman and Congregation Beth Am in California and now is returning for another year at Romemu. From a Yehuda ha-Levi poetry slam to a debate about who Jacob actually wrestled and why, Anna inspires a love of Judaism in her students by empowering them to read text first-hand, ask questions, and participate in lively discussions.

Jessica Herman
Jessica has been teaching in Hebrew schools since she was fifteen years old, and joined the Romemu community last year as the fourth and fifth grade teacher. She quickly fell in love with the community, and teaching at Romemu became a highlight of her week. The community and inquisitiveness from students continually impresses her, and she loves being able to encourage their curiosity and have such insightful conversations with students. When she’s not at Romemu, she substitute teaches at two other Hebrew schools. She also enjoys songleading, and is Assistant Head Songleader at URJ Eisner Camp for the summer. She cannot wait to spend another year at Romemu!

Helene Goldberg
Helene is an undergraduate student in her junior year completing a joint degree program between Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary of America where she intends to double major in Psychology and Jewish Ethics. Helene joined the Romemu community as a Seekers teacher last year. Beyond teaching, she has experience working as a counselor at Green River Preserve, an overnight summer camp in the mountains of North Carolina, and Camp Barney-Medintz, a Jewish overnight summer camp in Georgia. Helene currently works as a Research Assistant in the Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Lab at Columbia University. In her free time, she does Communications and Programming for the Synagogue Coalition on the Immigration and Refugee Crisis. Helene is so excited to return to the Romemu community teaching our 2nd and 3rd graders this year!

Dori Barin
Dori Baron is a third-year student at Columbia University. She is planning to major in Neuroscience and Behavior on the Pre-Med track. In her free time, she enjoys dancing, baking, going on long walks, and exploring the city with friends! She also loves to engage in Jewish life and community, whether it’s at Hillel, Chabad, Meor, or Romemu, and she’s super excited to spend another year teaching for the Seekers program!
Dori Baron is so proud to be teaching our first graders in Seekers this year.