Sponsor a Kiddush: Celebrate or Commemorate with Your Community
Thank you for your interest in sponsoring a kiddush at Romemu. Whether you are celebrating a simcha or commemorating the yahrzeit of a relative inviting your community to join you for a kiddush is a deeply meaningful way to mark important lifecycle milestones.
Sponsoring a kiddush is about more than providing food for your community; it is about building community. At kiddush, people gather, share stories, meet new friends, and reconnect with old friends. By sponsoring kiddush, you are helping to deepen and weave the bonds of community.
Kiddush Sponsorship Options
Sample kiddush menus are provided below. To discuss kiddush options, pricing, dates, and other details, please complete the form below.
Erev Shabbat/Friday Night
Crudites and dip, fruit platter, gourmet cheese and crackers, assorted premium pastries, floral arrangements
Crudites and dip, fruit, cheese and crackers, assorted dessert.
Shabbat Morning/Saturday Morning
Lox platter, tuna salad, egg salad, cream cheese, butter, jam, bagels and bread, quiche, fruit, assorted dessert.
Tuna salad, egg salad, cream cheese, butter, jam, bagels and bread, fruit, assorted dessert.
Crudites and dip, fruit, cheese and crackers, assorted dessert.
Optional Add ons: At cost
Personalized celebration cake
*All kiddushes include coffee, tea, water, sparkling water and challah (edited)