
The Well @ Romemu: Lifelong Learning

“The Rabbis taught: “Water stands for Torah, as it is said (Isaiah 55:1), ‘All those who are thirsty, come for water.’” – Babylonian Talmud, Bava Kama 82a

דורשי רשומות אמרו: אין מים אלא תורה שנאמר (ישעיהו נה:א) הוי כל צמא לכו למים – תלמוד בבלי, קמא פב

Registration is Now Open for Fall Courses

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Scholars often compare the Torah to a well and its words to water. Drawn from a deep place, this water has the ability to sate all who seek it. Lifelong learning is essential to our spiritual quest at Romemu. The Romemu Well offers a broad range of adult-educational offerings for Romemu members and all spiritual seekers. Regardless of your education or religious background, Well programs are designed to welcome those new to Romemu, as well as deepening the knowledge and practice of Romemu’s unique approach to Jewish life and practice, serving as a guide for living with holiness in these difficult times.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Well?

The Well is our adult education program. At the Well, you will be able to connect to the deep and powerful teachings of the Torah, learning everything from Talmud, to spirituality, to Kabbalah, to in depth studies of Tanach.

Are there opportunities for financial aid?

All of our courses and retreats have sliding scale tuition. We also have scholarships and living stipends for individuals who need even more tuition assistance.

What kind of Hebrew skills and textual proficiency do I need to study?

The Well is open to students of every background and level from beginner to advanced. Some classes will be divided according to skill level in reading Jewish texts. However, for most courses, students must be familiar with reading (sounding out) Hebrew characters with vowels.

What if I need a refund?

Read our course refund policy.