
Our Story

Romemu (roh-me-moo) is an open-hearted, experiential, irreverently devotional, intergenerational Jewish community that elevates and transforms individuals into more compassionate human beings.

We are a house of worship, learning, and spiritual growth that aims to awaken body, heart, mind, and spirit.

We are a growing community of over 1,000 members with thousands more around the world who have been impacted by our services, courses, and celebrations.

We are a spiritual home for thousands spiritual seekers.

We are committed to egalitarianism and the inclusion of all people, regardless of race, age, gender and sexual orientation, religious observance, and belief.

Whether you join us in our synagogues in Manhattan or Brooklyn or connect with our global community in our interactive online Zoomagogue, all are welcome.

Message from Rabbi Ingber, Founding Rabbi

Our approach, is to be ‘backwardly compatible’ with the operating system of Jewish past, even as we create new software for the Jewish future.

Romemu is a young community, but our mission is as old as the human longing for meaning, love, purpose, and connection. Romemu began with one seeker’s desire to create an integrative, holistic Jewish spiritual community.

I dreamed of a place that felt warm, inviting, open, and alive. I envisioned a community that would be fully embodied, emotionally mature, and intellectually honest. I imagined worship services full of beautiful uplifting music, deeply relevant and meaningful messages, and restorative, silent meditation.

When I look at our blossoming, ever-expanding community, it is clear that my dream is also the dream of many others. Together, we share the deep conviction that spiritual practice can change the world. As we respond to a call for a more inspired Jewish life, the Romemu vision remains as simple and as singular as it was when we began: to enhance human flourishing, one person at a time, through an elevated Jewish life. That’s Romemu.

About Our Community

Romemu began with a lineage and a vision. Rabbi Ingber’s spiritual journey took him from the intensity and commitment of an Orthodox upbringing to the serenity of meditation and yoga before meeting his mentor, Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. The two shared a vision of a renewed, elevated Jewish spiritual life – one that is open egalitarian, while still drawing deeply from Jewish traditions.

In the Beginning

On March 25, 2006, Rabbi Ingber launched Romemu with a monthly Shabbat service on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. After two years of monthly services, in 2008 the Romemu community became a full-time congregation, drawing individuals and families seeking (and finding) a Judaism they had only imagined possible.

Romemu Today

Since then, Romemu has continued to build a community that embraces the divine image in each of us. Romemu welcomes Shabbat every Friday evening with services filled with ecstatic music, joyous dancing, and contemplative prayer and awakens on Shabbat mornings with deep Torah learning and services – all within our hybrid model, with congregants both in the synagogue (our physical sanctuary) and the Zoomagogue (our online-interactive sanctuary).

Romemu is no longer just a synagogue. We are a center for Jewish life, a beacon of knowledge and spiritual fulfillment, a safe and open space for discussion and discourse, and a place of engagement and expression.

Get to Know Us

Explore this website to learn more about Romemu. The best way to get to know Romemu is to join us for Shabbat.

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