Romemu Brooklyn Membership

All who want should benefit from our spirituality and from being together in community and all are encouraged to give what they can to build Romemu Brooklyn. As a member of Romemu Brooklyn, you deepen your own spiritual life and make our community possible. To be a member is to join us as we daven and celebrate, to show up for one another, to seek opportunities to help, and to contribute financial resources. All are needed; all are welcome.

Membership Benefits

  • Heavily discounted High Holy Day tickets (early access to secure tickets before non-members) – information below
  • Free catered Shabbat dinners after Kabbalat Shabbat services each month with pre-registration
  • TLC from the Romemu Brooklyn Chesed team (when in mourning, recovering from illness or surgery, celebrating family expansion, etc.)
  • Classes and community events at member rates at both Romemu in Brooklyn and Manhattan, including certain 92NY events
  • Access to Luria Academy spaces at “Family & Friends” rates for private or family events (baby naming, bris, anniversaries, birthdays, etc.)
  • Access to clergy support for lifecycle events at pre-negotiated fee or suggested donation rates
  • Access to B Mitzvah program
  • Inclusion in community meetings to help guide the continued growth and direction of Romemu Brooklyn
  • Eligibility to join Romemu Brooklyn local leadership team, community choir, and community band
  • Access to member database to find others in our community

Membership Rates

We have an elegantly simple membership structure. Each individual adult (age 23+) per household pays $900/year. Any household with one or more children (between the ages of 3-22) pays $500/year for their dependent(s). (See the sample table below to see what it might look like for you.)

No one will be excluded from membership because of financial circumstances and we aspire to have all in our community join as members as we build our future together. We offer the Ezrah option for those who need to join at a lower level. Simply reach out to Sela at to schedule a confidential conversation. All membership benefits are conferred upon those who need Ezrah.

Membership starts each year on July 1st and renews on June 30th. (Anyone who joins before the High Holy Days, but after July 1st, pays the full annual fee and renews the following June 30th. Anyone who joins after the High Holy Days pays a prorated amount of the annual fee and renews the following June 30th at the full annual fee rate.) When joining, one makes a commitment to pay the full annual amount even if electing the monthly payment option.

The following chart is a sample of various household structures, applying our membership rates:

Sample Membership Chart
One adult in the household (age 23+)

One adult with kid(s) ages 3-22

Two adults in the household (ages 23+)

Two adults with kid(s) ages 3-22$2300

Join Today!

If needed, please email for your login information.